Put out the fire!!!
Put out the fire!!! I wanted to share with you some tips to reduce pitta/fire/heat during this summer season.
In Ayurveda, the Science of Living, dated back 5000 years or so ago in India, there are 3 Doshas based off of the 5 elements. Doshas are constitutions and they include; fire (pitta), air (vatta), and earth (kapha).
This can relate to the foods/drinks we put in our bodies, the energies we surround ourselves with like; TV, music, people, environment, the quarterly seasons, and aging to name a few.
We are all tri-doshic meaning we contain all 3 elements to some degree, but most of use have a more dominant one or multiple dominant ones.
We are in the season of fire (pitta) summer. Mars is also in Aries for many months, which equates to more fire, so it's important to tame the beast to reduce anger, resentment, war, and over reacting.
Tips to reduce pitta (fire):
1. Include foods that taste: bitter, sweet, and astringent
Raw vegetables may be more tolerated during this time
2. Avoid/limit foods that are oily, hot, spicy, fried and salty
Fried foods
Processed foods
Refined oils
Processed meats
3. Ground the body
Walk barefoot outdoors
Lay in the shade in cool grass
Breath through the mouth
Epsom salt baths
Cool/Cold water to complete your shower
Drink lots of water
Electrolytes; sea salt and lemon in water
4. Rest more to avoid burnout
Get plenty of sleep
Take naps
Pace yourself
Take meditation breaks
Do legs up the wall or a shoulder stand variation
...Life is an interplay between inner and outer.
The inner is what you are. It is your pure awareness. The outer is the projection
of your accumulated experiences.
Your individual consciousness is but a reflection
of universal consciousness.
Through the mirror of buddhi, the intellect,
universal consciousness is reflected
as individual consciousness.
Excerpted from “Reflections in a Mirror” -Vasant Lad