What is grace, messy grace?
What is grace, messy grace?
How do you cultivate grace and gratitude during difficult and challenging life transitions?
How do you embody an attitude of gratitude?
Are you open to receive the blessings of grace?
Through the years I've dipped my toes into what I think grace might be, however the more I learn the less I realize I know. I think the practice of yoga has taught me grace. Yoga means to yoke or union. Yoga is the balance of the sun and moon, light and dark. Yoga is grace and grit. Yoga has taught me to slow down and breath. Yoga has brought more balance into my life. Yoga has taught me how to hold on and let go. Yoga has brought me great strength on all levels; mind-body-heart. Yoga has taught me compassionate awareness. Yoga has taught me to maintain calm and cool during life's challenges and changes. Yoga has taught me grace and gratitude.
I've become more graceful in my movements and the way I place myself on and off the mat. Grace has shown me how to flow with life's rhythm and energy. Grace is unconditional love and highest consciousness. I'm 44 now. My body is changing and I'm learning to accept that with grace and compassion. The wrinkles, fat, imperfections and all. It is who I am and my protection. Grace has taught me forgiveness and to let go of judgement. Grace helped me take my power back and quit over giving.
What is grace to you?
I would love to hear from you!
In grace and gratitude,
Jaclyn Rebekah Roberts
"Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.